Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Abby's 1 Mo. update

Hi Kids, I know that someday making comparisons between all of you will not be the wisest thing to do (for example, comparing grades and how one behaves in school), but for now, I think I am safe to compare your growth charts as you are still so little. And someday you won't want me to include your weight statistics either. I certainly wouldn't want mine posted on a blog. Anyway, Abby had her 1 mo. appt. on Monday, so I pulled out Sam and Matthew's stats from that age to see how you all are stacking up against each other. Here they are:

Abby-10 lb. 5 oz (50th percentile)
Matthew-12 lb. 14 oz. (WOW!!!--100+ percentile, whatever that means)
Sam-10 lb. 6 oz.  (50th percentile)

Abby-22 in (80th percentile)
Matthew-23.25 in (95th percentile)
Sam-22.5 in (90th percentile)

So...Abby looks like she could hold her own against Sam, but I don't think either of them would want to take Matthew on at 1 mo. of age. Abby, you certainly held your own during your appointment. I was expecting extensive amounts of screaming, but you only screamed in the waiting room while I frantically tried to fill out the paperwork I was given and calm you (unsuccessfully) at the same time. We were called back and when I placed you on the exam table to get undressed, you stopped crying and didn't cry until you got a booster shot at the end of the appointment. All the poking and prodding, shining bright lights in eyes and ears, rubbing your tummy and back and feet and you just looked around bright-eyed, like a perfect angel. I got you partially dressed, then you got your shot and cried for a few minutes after that. I was really stunned, or shocked, that you didn't cry until your shot. The nurse was surprised too and said that no baby has ever not cried at the shot, but not crying through the entire appt. is unusual. You are one calm and cool kiddo. Only a select few really know the truth, though.

Lastly, I know I mentioned I would post a pic of Matthew wearing a tractor shirt, but I can't find the cord to connect the camera to the computer, so it will have to wait. I bet when you kids are older you will be astounded to read that we once had to use cords to connect cameras to computers (how archaic!), but that's how it is now and it's one more piece for me to lose track of. And I got some good pictures of Sam wearing Jason's work boots and a t-shirt. Yep, no pants. Well, time for me to go to bed. Love, Mom

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Matthew and tractors

Matthew, Today was Sunday so we went to church. However, getting you into church clothes was quite a challenge as you are very picky about your attire. Anyone who has seen you lately knows that you are almost always wearing a tractor shirt. Thanks to Grandma Sue, you have one for pretty much every day of the week and you always want to wear them. So when I went in to get you this morning (at 6:03AM, after you had been awake since 5:33AM and I had been awake since 4 AM, thanks to Abby) I said we were going to change your clothes and you pointed at your chest and said "Tractor." I said, "No, church shirt." Then there was crying. Trying to alleviate a full out meltdown (which happened yesterday when Jason tried to put you in an IA State shirt to commemorate their historic win on the football field rather than a tractor shirt--a battle which he won, incidentally) I reassured you repeatedly that you would get to put on a tractor shirt after church, but you had to wear a church shirt (sweater) for now. It was really a struggle to even get you in the sweater as you thrashed your arms about in rebellion, but I won and you wore a sweater to church.

Your love of tractors is really quite cute. You usually point to the tractor on your shirt at least 5 times a day and you hate to have it covered by something like a coat or bib. In fact, you resist wearing a coat or bib because they cover your beloved tractors. And I'll admit that you aren't totally devoted to John Deere, any sort of tractor makes you happy, although I think you may have some favoritism toward JD.

You and Sam are so different and it shows even in how you are both selective (or not) about your clothing. Sam was never picky about clothing and still isn't really. He prefers to wear his Cars T-shirt (and wears it probably twice a week) and sometimes he picks out other shirts, but he overall just doesn't really care. This morning I asked him if he wanted to pick out a shirt to wear after church and he said, "No, Daddy can pick one." Matthew, you however are always interested in what you wear and you are very vocal about your preferences. The other day when I was doing laundry you saw two of your tractor t-shirts in the clean clothes basket and "insisted" as only toddlers can, that you wear them both. I acquiesced (one has to choose her battles) and you wore three t-shirts that day.

We'll see how long your love of tractors lasts. For now, it is going strong. I've been telling Grandpa Don that you will be the grandchild to spend the summers on the farm driving tractors and other equipment and only time will tell if that will come to pass. For now, your love manifests itself in your wardrobe. I'll take and post a pic of you in a tractor shirt tomorrow, as I'm sure you will be wearing one. Love, Mommy

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Abby's baptism

Last Sunday was Abby's baptism. Jason and I took Abby to the front of the church along with my brother David and his wife Alicia who were Abby's sponsors. When we got there, Matthew started crying (as I thought he would) and ended up coming up front with us too. As soon as Jason picked him up he said, "Caulk!" and pointed to the wall. What he saw was a little clock that the pastor uses to see how the service is progressing, not a bad caulking job or something else unmentionable.

Abby slept through everything. She hasn't slept through church since she was 4 days old, so it was unusual but also relieving as I was sure she could scream through everything. She does a fair amount of screaming these days and I was sure it would happen during her baptism, but she surprised me. Always full of surprises, our little Abby is. You'd think that with two kids already I have the whole baby/kid thing figured out, but it turns out that they are all so different that what works for one doesn't work for anyone else and you have to start from scratch with every child. At least it feels that way sometimes.

Anyway, the baptism went smoothly and we are thankful for God's gift of grace given to Abby in baptism. We all certainly need it, and Abby is no exception! Later in the service there was a children's message and Sam went up to the front with his cousin Sophia and they both sat so nicely and appeared to be listening and folded their hands and bowed their heads like perfect little angels during the prayer. I was so proud of him. What a good little boy! I'm not going to comment on the times that he wasn't angelic during the past week, other than they were numerous. We had a brunch at our house (which included quiche, an edible fruit arrangement, pumpkin bars and donuts...I tried making freezer cinnamon rolls, but they turned out like hockey pucks so we went with donuts. Who doesn't like a good donut?) and after some family time, it was time for our guests to go home. Sam gave Sophia probably 10 hugs and then slammed the door shut when she left. It's really cute how well Sam and Sophia play together.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some pics...a week late

Here are some pictures I took of the kids last week. The boys and I got up early one day (well, we get up early most every day, usually around 6 or 6:30, 6:45 if we're lucky) and decided to make muffins with Jason and Abby slept in. Samuel was quite the helper and did a good job of sprinkling streusel topping on the muffins, while Matthew preferred to just eat batter with a measuring spoon. After Abby woke up, the boys crowded around her as they usually do when she's awake and showered her with affection.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Matthew's 18 mo.

Hi Matthew, although you actually turned 18 mo. two weeks ago, we just went to the doctor for your 18 mo. check up today. I didn't think you'd be upset that it was pushed back a little bit and we had a lot going on two weeks ago! So today we went. Sam came with as he wanted to get out of the house too (and wanted a sticker...Grandma Sue stayed home with Abby) and you had your check up. You were much more calm this time around than previous appointments. You only fussed a little when I undressed you and were weighed and didn't really fuss at all when you were being examined. The doctor did allow you to sit on my lap during the visit, so that helped calm your nerves and Sam was always close by, clapping when the doctor completed each part of the exam, so I'm sure that helped too. By the end of the visit, when I was talking with the doctor about how many words you have and you being a big brother and so on, you were happily dancing around the room (diaper-clad) to your own internal music.

So here are your stats:
Weight: 26 3/4 lbs (60th percentile)
Height: 34 1/2 in (95th percentile)

I looked over Sam's stats from that age and you are a little bigger than your big brother was at 18 mo. We already knew you probably weighed more, but you are also a little taller too. I also looked over your stats from 15 mo. and saw that you've grown an inch over the past 3 months, and gained 1/2 pound. It's incredible to think that you've grown an inch in 3 months! Wow!

Anyway, you are completely normal in all areas, congratulations. You say as many words as you are supposed to (actually you say quite a lot of words for your age, too many for me to keep track of) and you are starting to say simple sentences, follow directions and do other things that the doctor says 18 mo. old kids are supposed to do. Daddy and I are so proud of you, keep up the good work. Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Matthew and I were going upstairs to check on some things on the computer. As we started up the stairs he squatted and started grunting. This is his signature sign that something is going on in his diaper. For a few weeks Jason and I have been commenting that Matthew seems to be showing signs of potty training readiness: dry at night and naps, interest in the toilet, obvious signs of "going", and so on. However, he's only 18 months, clearly too little to start, right? Well, maybe not. I checked Matthew's diaper before going up the stairs and there was nothing. I started working on the computer (downloading white noise sounds, which I'll discuss later...) and then Matthew said, "poop" and climbed onto the toilet in our bathroom. He didn't make it very well, though, as one foot/leg ended up in the toilet and got all wet. I pulled him off the toilet, took off his dirty clothes and diaper and held him on the toilet. Matthew made a few noises, then I pulled him off and said we'd try later. He was very insistent, though, and kept on saying "poop." So we went downstairs, to the garage and got out the turtle potty. I put it in the bathroom, then Matthew sat on it awhile (no results), carried it over by the baby's pack and play, into the pantry and back into the bathroom. More sitting (no results). I put a diaper on and we had lunch, then again, he started with the "Poop" and was much more insistent about it. Again, stripped, again, more sitting and...he went both #1 and #2! I proudly gave him a high five and he washed his hands and hair at the sink and thus begins our journey into potty training with Matthew. Now, potty training Matthew is not really on my agenda right now, but if he's into it, who's to stop him?

Milestone #2 involves Abby. Now, Abby is a mystery in terms of getting her to calm down and sleep. As I've mentioned, at least for Sam, we found out that he likes pacifiers and swings. That was our ticket to 3 or  4 uninterrupted hours of sleep from the point he turned two weeks old on. Matthew wasn't so easy, he'd sleep for a few hours and liked the bouncy seat, and he would take a pacifier, but there wasn't much of an "easy ticket" for him. With Abby, it's been tough because she doesn't fall asleep while nursing, doesn't like a pacifier, gets overstimulated and overtired, doesn't like the swing or being bounced in the bouncy seat, hmmmmm. The only thing that's been working is holding her. Now, we love our little angel, but holding her for all her sleeping hours just wasn't practical for us and with Jason going back to work soon, we clearly had to find another way. So I tried loud white noise. Very loud. As in the vacuum cleaner right beside the pack and play where she was napping. As in vacuum on for and hour and a half. And she napped. She stirred at least two or three times but went back to sleep. I don't know if it's a clear breakthrough, but it's something. Knowing that running the vacuum for all her naps and night sleeping wasn't practical, I went to that wonderful online store called "Amazon." Typed in "white noise" and out came all sorts of options: vacuum noise CDs, dishwasher noise CDs, hairdryer noise CDs, mixed white noise CDs, heartbeat/womb noises, car noises, and on and on and on. I selected a CD that was also available for MP3 download (i.e. I could use it immediately) and it had a mix of 8 white noises.

So when Abby started getting tired this afternoon, I swaddled her and rocked her in her room while track 7 (vacuum) played loudly on her CD player. She was almost asleep, then I put her in her crib and patted a few times, and left. For the next 10 minutes or so, I could hear her making little fusses every so often, but then silence! She was asleep! And she wasn't being held and she was in her own bed! I cried (seriously, I cry very easily when I've been up since 3:30 AM for three nights in a row). It's been about an hour now and she's starting to stir, but oh, it gives me some hope of better nights! How I love my children, but how I love it when they nap too.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A typical day--newborn style

Well, kiddos, while there's nothing typical about life with a newborn (no offense, Abby), I decided to write about what our days are like these days. Before I begin, know that our days aren't typical in that Daddy is home with us these days and was for the past week and will be for most of next week, too. But we are adjusting to our new life together and have some "typical" activities that we engage in these days. Anyway, our "days" begin around 6:30 or 7AM (if we're lucky) with Matthew either crying and waking us up or Sam coming into our room when his clock turns yellow. Usually, Abby is asleep in the morning after eating around 5 or 6 AM (after one or two other nighttime feedings), so the boys are the ones who wake us up.

Generally, I sleep with Abby for awhile, while Daddy helps the boys get changed and then goes downstairs to start breakfast. Sometimes Daddy stays with Abby for awhile and I get the boys ready. When Daddy does breakfast it's usually cereal. When Mommy does breakfast it's something like wheat waffles or coffee cake muffins (which the boys helped make this morning). Surprisingly, I often have enough energy to make breakfast if given the opportunity.

We have breakfast and whichever parent was with Abby emerges around 7:30 or 8AM usually. Then we switch off parenting duties and one parent watches the kids while the other showers or changes or just gets semi-presentable for the day. Mid-morning is when we go somewhere if we go anywhere. Yesterday the kids and I went to Target and Jason went to church. This morning we went to the church Bazaar. We also made it to the Y one morning this week. Other days we stay at home.

Sometimes I just can't remember how we pass our time other than the mornings go by quickly and then it's lunch time. Abby usually takes a good 2+ hour morning nap after being awake from around 7:30 or 8 until 9 or 10. Then, I usually feed Abby around lunch time while Jason prepares lunch. Today the boys had toast for lunch and Jason and I didn't eat. We then switched parenting duties and Jason cared for Abby while I took Sam and Matthew upstairs for naps. Jason and Abby napped, while I worked around the house. Sometimes I nap with Abby and Jason works around the house or runs errands.

After naps, we have been playing outside a lot or going for walks. Sometimes the kids play in the basement. At 5PM we watch the Berenstein Bears and prep dinner (which either comes from generous friends or our freezer). Dinner is around 5:30 or 6, then we play some more and get the boys ready for bed around 7 (meaning we start tidying up, take baths, put on PJs, etc). Matthew goes to bed around 7:30, Sam around 8 and Abby, well, whenever she nods off for the evening. If we're lucky Abby sleeps around 8 or 9, if we're unlucky, Abby doesn't sleep until later and instead has crying spells for an hour or so. Jason and I go to bed around 9:30 or 10 and either Jason holds Abby and rests on the couch for the first part of the night (until midnight or 2AM) or I take Abby and sleep with her all night. Sometime soon Abby will sleep on her own (and she does occasionally), but she's quite comfy in the crook of my arm or on Jason's chest, so there she sleeps for now.

There you have it. Our lives are rather mundane these days although they are very exhausting and long.  Boys, you seem to be doing well. You read lots of books, dance often when you hear music on the TV or radio and play with cars and trains and paint and color. I'm amazed when I look at the house at the end of the day that it's really in pretty good order. I also know that a lot of that is due to Jason being home as there are two of us to keep up with the messiness of small children. Anyway, sometime when life becomes more ordered I will write more about our typical days (as "typical" changes frequently with small children), but for now, you have an idea of what we do.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 Sorry for the two day delay in writing about our Halloween, but that's just how things go these days. Anyway, after thinking we wouldn't do anything for Halloween and stay in for the evening, we decided to get the boys dressed up and visit Grammy and Papa and go trick or treating on our street. The reasoning was that neither Sam or Matthew really understand what Halloween is and since we haven't talked about it or read books about it, neither was excited and looking forward to it. So we thought we'd just skip it this year. But then I thought about how it would be fun and the kids would be so cute, so Jason took Sam to a costume store after lunch on Monday (yes, it was Halloween day) and picked out a costume. Sam debated being a doctor, fire fighter or UPS man and he chose...UPS delivery man. He didn't consider the usual little kid characters opting for more pragmatic career-oriented costumes. 

Matthew dressed as a walrus which was Sam's costume from last year. No, I didn't have my heart set on my kids being walruses for Halloween, but when you shop at Marshalls a few days before Halloween your costume selection is rather limited. Anyway, the walrus costume is actually really good quality and was cheap and the kids are so cute dressed as a walrus. Abby will probably wear the walrus in two years as it should fit her at about that time.  This year, though, Abby went as herself. She's cute enough as a newborn.

Sam wore his uniform as soon as he got up from nap and when we went out to play outside for a bit he was wearing his UPS uniform and screaming around the driveway on his trike with a brown package under his arm. I ran inside to get the camera to get a picture of him with his UPS trike, but when I returned he had moved on to snack. We got Matthew into the walrus with much crying and protesting. He especially did not like to put the hood on with the walrus teeth as can be seen from the picture. Oh well, he was still a cute walrus.

After visiting Grammy and Papa we went to some of our neighbors for trick or treating. Most people said we were there only visitors for the evening, which wasn't surprising since there are just a handful of kids in our neighborhood and I'm sure the older ones probably went to other more trick-or-treating friendly neighborhoods with more houses closer together. Since the kids were the only visitors at most houses, our neighbors were very generous with giving out candy. Some put handfuls of candy in the kids' bags and others let the kids pick out what they wanted. Matthew wasn't shy about grabbing fistfuls of candy. Sam would grab one piece, then the neighbor would tell him he could have more, so he'd grab another piece. They certainly had a different approach to getting candy.

All in all, it was a fun Halloween. The kids really got into it and enjoyed visiting the neighbors. Sam would generally approach the houses yelling, "trick or treat!" and then he'd ring the door bell and wait for someone to open the door. And we got a lot of candy from our neighbors which is quickly diminishing...those kids sure like their candy.