Saturday, November 19, 2011

Abby's baptism

Last Sunday was Abby's baptism. Jason and I took Abby to the front of the church along with my brother David and his wife Alicia who were Abby's sponsors. When we got there, Matthew started crying (as I thought he would) and ended up coming up front with us too. As soon as Jason picked him up he said, "Caulk!" and pointed to the wall. What he saw was a little clock that the pastor uses to see how the service is progressing, not a bad caulking job or something else unmentionable.

Abby slept through everything. She hasn't slept through church since she was 4 days old, so it was unusual but also relieving as I was sure she could scream through everything. She does a fair amount of screaming these days and I was sure it would happen during her baptism, but she surprised me. Always full of surprises, our little Abby is. You'd think that with two kids already I have the whole baby/kid thing figured out, but it turns out that they are all so different that what works for one doesn't work for anyone else and you have to start from scratch with every child. At least it feels that way sometimes.

Anyway, the baptism went smoothly and we are thankful for God's gift of grace given to Abby in baptism. We all certainly need it, and Abby is no exception! Later in the service there was a children's message and Sam went up to the front with his cousin Sophia and they both sat so nicely and appeared to be listening and folded their hands and bowed their heads like perfect little angels during the prayer. I was so proud of him. What a good little boy! I'm not going to comment on the times that he wasn't angelic during the past week, other than they were numerous. We had a brunch at our house (which included quiche, an edible fruit arrangement, pumpkin bars and donuts...I tried making freezer cinnamon rolls, but they turned out like hockey pucks so we went with donuts. Who doesn't like a good donut?) and after some family time, it was time for our guests to go home. Sam gave Sophia probably 10 hugs and then slammed the door shut when she left. It's really cute how well Sam and Sophia play together.

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