Sunday, November 20, 2011

Matthew and tractors

Matthew, Today was Sunday so we went to church. However, getting you into church clothes was quite a challenge as you are very picky about your attire. Anyone who has seen you lately knows that you are almost always wearing a tractor shirt. Thanks to Grandma Sue, you have one for pretty much every day of the week and you always want to wear them. So when I went in to get you this morning (at 6:03AM, after you had been awake since 5:33AM and I had been awake since 4 AM, thanks to Abby) I said we were going to change your clothes and you pointed at your chest and said "Tractor." I said, "No, church shirt." Then there was crying. Trying to alleviate a full out meltdown (which happened yesterday when Jason tried to put you in an IA State shirt to commemorate their historic win on the football field rather than a tractor shirt--a battle which he won, incidentally) I reassured you repeatedly that you would get to put on a tractor shirt after church, but you had to wear a church shirt (sweater) for now. It was really a struggle to even get you in the sweater as you thrashed your arms about in rebellion, but I won and you wore a sweater to church.

Your love of tractors is really quite cute. You usually point to the tractor on your shirt at least 5 times a day and you hate to have it covered by something like a coat or bib. In fact, you resist wearing a coat or bib because they cover your beloved tractors. And I'll admit that you aren't totally devoted to John Deere, any sort of tractor makes you happy, although I think you may have some favoritism toward JD.

You and Sam are so different and it shows even in how you are both selective (or not) about your clothing. Sam was never picky about clothing and still isn't really. He prefers to wear his Cars T-shirt (and wears it probably twice a week) and sometimes he picks out other shirts, but he overall just doesn't really care. This morning I asked him if he wanted to pick out a shirt to wear after church and he said, "No, Daddy can pick one." Matthew, you however are always interested in what you wear and you are very vocal about your preferences. The other day when I was doing laundry you saw two of your tractor t-shirts in the clean clothes basket and "insisted" as only toddlers can, that you wear them both. I acquiesced (one has to choose her battles) and you wore three t-shirts that day.

We'll see how long your love of tractors lasts. For now, it is going strong. I've been telling Grandpa Don that you will be the grandchild to spend the summers on the farm driving tractors and other equipment and only time will tell if that will come to pass. For now, your love manifests itself in your wardrobe. I'll take and post a pic of you in a tractor shirt tomorrow, as I'm sure you will be wearing one. Love, Mommy

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