Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 Sorry for the two day delay in writing about our Halloween, but that's just how things go these days. Anyway, after thinking we wouldn't do anything for Halloween and stay in for the evening, we decided to get the boys dressed up and visit Grammy and Papa and go trick or treating on our street. The reasoning was that neither Sam or Matthew really understand what Halloween is and since we haven't talked about it or read books about it, neither was excited and looking forward to it. So we thought we'd just skip it this year. But then I thought about how it would be fun and the kids would be so cute, so Jason took Sam to a costume store after lunch on Monday (yes, it was Halloween day) and picked out a costume. Sam debated being a doctor, fire fighter or UPS man and he chose...UPS delivery man. He didn't consider the usual little kid characters opting for more pragmatic career-oriented costumes. 

Matthew dressed as a walrus which was Sam's costume from last year. No, I didn't have my heart set on my kids being walruses for Halloween, but when you shop at Marshalls a few days before Halloween your costume selection is rather limited. Anyway, the walrus costume is actually really good quality and was cheap and the kids are so cute dressed as a walrus. Abby will probably wear the walrus in two years as it should fit her at about that time.  This year, though, Abby went as herself. She's cute enough as a newborn.

Sam wore his uniform as soon as he got up from nap and when we went out to play outside for a bit he was wearing his UPS uniform and screaming around the driveway on his trike with a brown package under his arm. I ran inside to get the camera to get a picture of him with his UPS trike, but when I returned he had moved on to snack. We got Matthew into the walrus with much crying and protesting. He especially did not like to put the hood on with the walrus teeth as can be seen from the picture. Oh well, he was still a cute walrus.

After visiting Grammy and Papa we went to some of our neighbors for trick or treating. Most people said we were there only visitors for the evening, which wasn't surprising since there are just a handful of kids in our neighborhood and I'm sure the older ones probably went to other more trick-or-treating friendly neighborhoods with more houses closer together. Since the kids were the only visitors at most houses, our neighbors were very generous with giving out candy. Some put handfuls of candy in the kids' bags and others let the kids pick out what they wanted. Matthew wasn't shy about grabbing fistfuls of candy. Sam would grab one piece, then the neighbor would tell him he could have more, so he'd grab another piece. They certainly had a different approach to getting candy.

All in all, it was a fun Halloween. The kids really got into it and enjoyed visiting the neighbors. Sam would generally approach the houses yelling, "trick or treat!" and then he'd ring the door bell and wait for someone to open the door. And we got a lot of candy from our neighbors which is quickly diminishing...those kids sure like their candy.

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