Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Matthew's 18 mo.

Hi Matthew, although you actually turned 18 mo. two weeks ago, we just went to the doctor for your 18 mo. check up today. I didn't think you'd be upset that it was pushed back a little bit and we had a lot going on two weeks ago! So today we went. Sam came with as he wanted to get out of the house too (and wanted a sticker...Grandma Sue stayed home with Abby) and you had your check up. You were much more calm this time around than previous appointments. You only fussed a little when I undressed you and were weighed and didn't really fuss at all when you were being examined. The doctor did allow you to sit on my lap during the visit, so that helped calm your nerves and Sam was always close by, clapping when the doctor completed each part of the exam, so I'm sure that helped too. By the end of the visit, when I was talking with the doctor about how many words you have and you being a big brother and so on, you were happily dancing around the room (diaper-clad) to your own internal music.

So here are your stats:
Weight: 26 3/4 lbs (60th percentile)
Height: 34 1/2 in (95th percentile)

I looked over Sam's stats from that age and you are a little bigger than your big brother was at 18 mo. We already knew you probably weighed more, but you are also a little taller too. I also looked over your stats from 15 mo. and saw that you've grown an inch over the past 3 months, and gained 1/2 pound. It's incredible to think that you've grown an inch in 3 months! Wow!

Anyway, you are completely normal in all areas, congratulations. You say as many words as you are supposed to (actually you say quite a lot of words for your age, too many for me to keep track of) and you are starting to say simple sentences, follow directions and do other things that the doctor says 18 mo. old kids are supposed to do. Daddy and I are so proud of you, keep up the good work. Love, Mom

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