Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Abby's nap time

Getting Abby down for a nap usually takes around 10 minutes, 5 if I'm lucky. So that means that I need to find something for Sam and Matthew to do for 5-10 minutes, basically unsupervised, so I can work with Abby for a  little bit. Unsupervised Sam is usually easy. Put him in front of some kind of screen (TV, Kindle Fire, computer) and he's happy. Matthew, however is a different story. Sometimes he'll sit in front of a screen, but more often than not, he'd rather be doing something else.

So here's how it goes. The boys follow me upstairs when it's time for Abby's naps (I say naps as she takes 3-4 a day). I'll go in her room issuing a stern command to the boys to keep quiet and partly close Abby's door, then swaddle and rock with her. The boys, then entertain themselves. Sometimes they decide to play chase. And they run back and forth in the hallway outside the bedrooms, squealing and laughing with delight. My stern command apparently went unheeded. Abby get's heavy eyelids, then I put her in her crib and pat her for a few minutes (or none at all if she is very calm). At this time, I hope and pray that their squeals of laughter don't occur right as Abby is about to fall asleep which will nullify my previous 3-10 minutes of work. Sometimes Abby manages to nod off without interruption and other times I have to start all over. Ahhh, the frustration. Ahhh, the opportunities to work on patience. Once I feel she is sufficiently sleepy, I race toward the door, hoping again to open and close it between squeals of delight.

While the squeals and running around are disruptive to Abby's sleep sometimes, they also have their benefits. For example, since I can clearly hear the boys, I know they are okay, not bleeding from a gash in the head at the bottom of the stairs. I also know they are not fighting and are basically happy. So that's a positive thing. When I don't hear squeals and the pitter-patter of little feet in the hallway, things get more interesting.

This is what's usually happening at that point. Sam has figured out how to 1) turn on the computer in Jason and my bedroom, 2) open Chrome, 3) open YouTube and 4) find something to his liking (for example, Cars videos, Berenstain Bears, etc.) and is watching videos on the computer. Amazing, isn't it? He usually is watching the said videos in some other language (really, I'm completely serious), but at least he found something to keep him occupied for a few minutes.

Matthew is doing one of the following: 1) This is his most common activity...He's in the bathroom, washing his hands and hair and shirt. Yes, this means he is usually pretty wet by the time I get to him. 2) Sitting by the computer pulling paper out of the printer. 3) Sitting on Jason and my bed, turning on and off my bedside light or 4) He's gone downstairs and has closed himself in a closet (Yes, this freaked me out...I ran around the house screaming for him one day...no answers... and found him shut into the dark coat closet).

So after 5 or 10 minutes, I have gotten Abby down for her nap, the boys had some time to themselves and we go on with our day...until Abby has to take another nap.

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