Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Some time outside

Today it was 53 degrees. 53. On January 10th. So I got the boys in their shoes and coats (no boots, mittens and hats today!), Abby in her winter suit (she is a baby, after all) and outside we went to play in the driveway and take a walk. I had wondered what an outdoor playdate with all the kids would be like and now I have some idea. Last week we played outside one day and Abby napped most of the time, but the rest of the time I bundled her up and held her. Today she was content to sit facing out (kangaroo-style) in the sling while the boys rode the tricycle, little scooters and played in the wagon. Matthew eventually got into the wagon and said, "Ride" in his little persuasive way (he really doesn't have to ask too forcefully for me to comply with many of his requests...cuteness can get a person very far...as Sam well knows too and I'm sure Abby will learn soon enough). So Sam climbed in too and we walked down to the end of the block. Abby was quite content in her little pouch and it really wasn't too much work for me. Certainly no more difficult that a pregnant me pushing a double stroller with two little boys in it up the hills around our house (stroller= 30lbs + Matthew = 25 lbs + Sam= 31 lbs = 86 lbs total). When we returned from the end of the street, Matthew said (again in his cute persuasive way), "Again!" and Sam hopped out, got on his tricycle and we did another lap. Abby fell asleep in her pouch (she was sitting upright, but it doesn't matter if she's in the right mood) on this lap and continued to sleep until we went inside after a few more minutes of outdoor play.

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