Monday, January 9, 2012

Bedtime and other tidbits

It's just after 8PM and all the kids are in bed. All the kids are in bed. Two of the three appear to be sleeping at the moment, and the last one is at least in bed reading quietly to himself. Abby, while not much of a napper (at least for anything longer than 45 minutes unless she is being held...she's a cozy cuddler) is a great night sleeper and is moving to an earlier bedtime which means my workday ends and "on call" begins around 8PM. Pretty good deal. Abby has slept 9 or 10 hours consecutively a few times over the past two week, although 7 hours is more her norm. Which is better than both of the boys at her age!

Over the weekend Matthew got the stomach flu. Poor kid. He slept in past 7AM Saturday morning and when Jason went to check on him he had gotten sick in his bed and apparently slept through it as he didn't cry out. He got sick a few more times in the morning and we tried to get him to use a bucket. There was one successful attempt in the bucket, the remainder ended up on the floor, on himself, and on Grandpa Don, unfortunately. Later in the day Matthew seemed to be doing much better but still complained of tummy troubles at times. We would then ask him if he needed the bucket, to which he would reply "Yea", then hold the bucket up to his tummy and after a few moments, say, "Here you go" and hand it back to us. Apparently it served a different medicinal purpose than we intended.

The kids and I made our first trip to the Y this morning in which Abby went to the kids' area along with the boys. I had taken everyone to the Y before, but I always kept Abby with me and went mainly so the boys could play for awhile. Despite wanting to keep Abby away from child care areas for at least another month or so to avoid her catching anything, my sanity was slowly wearing away from not being able to exercise or really leave the house, so we ventured out and Abby did fine. She didn't hardly cry at all, the boys had fun and I got some exercise. I dropped off the little ones in the child care area and then Sam and I went to the area for big kids. He wanted to be carried as we walked there and laid his head on my shoulder, saying he was sleeping. When we got to the big kids area I set him down and he stood there with his eyes closed, apparently "sleeping" despite greetings of "Hi Sam!" from the child care workers. He stood, sleeping, for a few moments while I looked on, then I said, "See you later, Sam" and headed out. I'm not sure how long he slept, but when I picked him up he was reading and had a picture to take home which he had colored. So he didn't sleep the whole time. And I think he's actually sleeping now. That makes three.

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