Sunday, January 15, 2012

The boy who cried poop

So at church three weeks ago I was holding Abby when she began to get unhappy. So I took her out of the sanctuary for awhile. I really don't recall taking Sam or Matthew out of church until both of them were at least 9 months old...but for our little Abby, it's pretty much a weekly occurrence. Anyway, I went out and held and patted until she fell asleep (which is why she was crabby) and I guess that Sam, after I left, told Jason that he had to go potty. Jason, thinking he was just wanting to go out and find Abby and I, told him that he'd have to wait. At that point, Sam yelled, "I have to potty! I have to potty! I have to potty!" An extremely embarrassed Jason took Sam out at that point. Sam is a smart little boy and he knows that the word "potty" gets him quick attention.

This week he tried it again. Jason was standing with Abby at the back of the sanctuary when Sam decided to try his "I have to potty" trick with me. He was whispering, and I acquiesced as I know that sometimes he does have to potty at that time in the morning. So we went out to the bathroom. He did his deed and we returned, then a few minutes later, Sam said "I have to potty" again. I told him that he'd have to wait until after church, at which point he said, "I have to poopy!" and started pulling down his pants revealing his Thomas the train underwear. Oh goodness, I rushed him out of the sanctuary and back to the bathroom which resulted in nothing. He didn't do anything. Back to the sanctuary. The a few minutes later, again, "Mommy, I have to poopy!" and started pulling down his pants. I yanked his pants back up and told him the bathroom is closed until after church. He tried to tell me that it wasn't, but I was very insistent that they closed and locked the bathroom for the rest of the church service, so we couldn't go until that point. He believed me and we had a relatively uneventful church service. Then at the end of church, Sam again said he had to go poopy and started pulling down his pants so I rushed him out of there and back into the bathroom, which produced a little trickle of No. 1, but no No. 2. Goodness, so we're dealing with the "boy who cried poop" once again. I remember Sam pulling this trick a while back. I have my little trick too and you can bet that next Sunday the bathroom will be closed for the entire church service.

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