Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New bike

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I have been 1) knitting like crazy to finish up a lightweight sweater for myself, 2) reading a 19th century murder mystery, 3) spring cleaning, 4) enjoying nice weather and 5) working (at my other job)...therefore, I'm not blogging.

So here's the story about Sam's new bike. We had been thinking he needed a bike since going to a friends house a few weeks ago and he did awesome job riding their little bike with training wheels. So on Saturday Matthew exclaimed that he had to go poopy. He rarely wants to try the potty chair (and I'm really not encouraging it right now), but he was ready and willing so I stripped him down and he sat on the chair. And he sat and sat and sat. I was working in the kitchen so I could check in on him, but he was doing fine and apparently wanted some privacy because at one point he reached over and closed the door. After around 5 minutes he started crying, dismayed at what appeared on his hands when he tried to wipe himself. I was dismayed too, but put on a happy face to show my excitement at what Matthew had produced on the potty chair. We were all in a celebratory mood and as I was cleaning up myself and Matthew, Jason told Matthew he would get to pick out a toy at the store to mark the special occasion. Sam then asked if he got a toy too. I was distracted by frantically trying to clean Matthew's hands and then my own before the mess got anywhere else that I uttered a "Yes!" and Sam was very happy.

Later when things calmed down some, we talked about going to the store to get a new toy. Sam again asked if he got a toy too and I asked him "What did you do to earn the toy?" He became very down. He did not cry or throw a fit, but his shoulders sunk, his head went down and he frowned in complete sadness. Oh. My poor child. Indeed, I did promise him a toy, so I remedied the situation by saying so and suggesting that we go to the store after dinner. I then told Sam he would get to pick out a new bike. See, we had already been planning to get him a bike and we wanted to kick off the potty training season with a strong impression, so it really isn't bribing.

Ok. So after dinner we went to Wal-Mart, Matthew happily picked up some Elmo books and Sam chose a bike. They only had 2 little kids bikes left, one was pink and one was white and purple. We left with the white and purple one, but after we got home Jason shunned the bike and so I went to another Wal-Mart after the kids were in bed and we got him the bike seen in the picture. Sam loves riding his bike and Matthew is starting to get a hang of the trike, although potty training isn't going anywhere.

Matthew, although he is happy with the trike, is also a little sad that he can't ride the bike.

So then he went and inspected the plants. 

Abby was content to play on the blanket while the boys rode around...
Until Sam started harassing her.

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