Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today it was 57. Wonderful. I remember one year during my college spring break putting on my swimsuit and laying out...at the farm in IA. So I guess it must have been warmer than 57 in March that year, but 57 is still pretty nice. After some good naps, everyone got their boots and coats on and we went outside for some puddling and tricycling and whatever else the kids decided to do. Abby was in the sling on my hip which worked pretty well, except that she's still pretty small so a hip carry with her doesn't work too well.

Anyway, the boys had a great time running through the puddles. Matthew (as you can see from the picture above) got pretty well soaked. It started out that he was splashing so much that he got his jeans wet, but then he tripped and belly-flopped into the puddle. He ended up with quite a scrape on his knee (hardly cried at all) and was fully soaked including his face and hair. Fortunately his coat is waterproof so his mid-section wasn't too bad. Sam also ended up getting very wet. While running through the puddle one of his boots came off, so he ended up making his way back to the house with one boot on (see below).

Fortunately, it was 57 so it wasn't a big deal that they were soaked. After the above described mishaps we made out way back to the house, changed clothes and boots and went back out to play some more which is why the kids are wearing different clothes in the next picture. 

After the puddle play, the kids decided to play in the snow some. Sam thought he'd go sit on the "sleeping snowman" (his phrase). It just couldn't stand the heat so it decided to lay down. I tried to get Matthew sit on the snowman too, but he was distracted looking at our neighbor who was walking by at the time. I wandered over to say hellow to our neighbor and during that time, which was about 5 minutes, Sam managed to remove his new boots, dry socks and started complaining that he was cold. Really? Abby was starting to fuss too, so we all made our way back inside, Sam all the while complaining about his cold feet. 

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