Friday, June 22, 2012

Abby's standing

Abby has pretty much mastered pulling up and standing. She is even starting to cruise a bit, inch by inch. She pulls herself up on anything she can possible grip well enough to support herself while getting her legs under her, including her crib. Most naps and bedtimes involves at least one episode in which we hear her screaming on the monitor and go to her room to find her gripping the rail of her crib, screaming hysterically, as she cannot figure out how to successfully get down.

 So here are some pictures of her standing beside the kids' picnic table while Sam is having his snack. Have I mentioned before how much Sam loves Abby? He adores her. Just adores her. This morning he came into my room and we chatted for a bit before I heard Abby starting to make noises. I told him that I heard Abby and he was quiet for a moment, and upon hearing Abby make a noise he said, "Peanut's awake!" Then he quickly headed to her room. Before he left, though, he instructed me not to come in to get her for awhile. He wanted some time with her by himself for a bit, so I brushed my teeth and then went in to get little peanut. A few days ago I woke up upon hearing Abby and found her in her room, and Sam was already in there, fully dressed, sitting on the floor next to her crib talking to her. Abby also seems to really enjoy Sam as she smiles and bounces around a bit when she sees him. 

 After some time, Matthew got up from his nap and joined us for snack time. Both boys decided they wanted to "relax" in the lounge chair, so here they are "relaxing". 

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