Sunday, June 3, 2012

Things Abby does

Abby is 7.5 months these days and she's "grown" incredibly fast lately in that she has reached all sorts of milestones over the past few weeks. Here is a sampling of what she does these days.

  • Feeds herself table food using her fingers (cut up into small, baby pieces, of course). Lots of babies start off palming their food, but Abby skipped that step and instead daintily picks up her food with her thumb and forefinger. Whenever we are eating, she wants to be eating, so I set up a booster seat on a chair at the counter and now she joins us in all our meals (if she's awake). The boys are very excited to have her at our family table and I have to be very careful with them as they both want to tear off small bits of food and give them to Abby.
  • Crawls. She sometimes worms her way around, pulling herself up and flopping forward, but she can easily crawl too. Today she even started pulling herself up on her knees. She is much too weak to stand up, but she really wants to.
  • Sits steadily by herself. She transitions quickly from crawling, lying down and sitting, easily getting into any position she wants to. 
  • Waves. This is a new one, just started yesterday or Friday, I can't remember for sure. She's working on her twisted-hand wave, rolling her hand around when she feels like greeting someone. 
Less related to "milestones", but still notable things about Abby are 1) she sleeps 12 uninterrupted hours at night (she's been doing this on and off for 2 months or so), 2) has two teeth, and 3) has developed a new "frustration cry" as I call it. Now we all know that Abby can certainly cry, but she has a new pitch these days, one that means, "respond to me now or your ear drums will pay". Our little girl is growing up so fast!

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