Monday, June 18, 2012

More potty training

So we decided it was time to kiss diapers goodbye for Sam. He's been using them at night, not so much because he wets his bed, but more so because Jason and I (mostly I) didn't want to get up at night to help him with going to the potty if he needed it. But now that Abby is sleeping so well, I guess there's no more excuses for us not to have Sam wear underwear to bed and get up and use the potty if he feels the urge. So we tried it two nights ago and Sam wet the bed. At about 6AM I heard Abby making noises so I went into check on her and it turns out that Sam had wet himself, changed into his clothes for the day and was sitting in Abby's room talking to her. I don't know how long he was in there, but it couldn't have been too long as I didn't hear Abby talking much before I went in to check on her.

So night one wasn't a good start. Then on to last night. We left Sam's bathroom light on and talked about getting up to use the potty if he felt like he needed to go. After our bedtime routine and goodnights, I went to Jason and my bedroom to work on the computer and about 20 minutes later I hear the toilet flush and faucet turn on in the kids' bathroom. Sam had gotten up to use the potty and took care of everything himself. He made me so proud. After an uneventful night, I awoke around 6:15 AM to some kid yelling softly. I thought it was Matthew, but it didn't quite sound right, so I wasn't sure. Then I thought it was Abby. Hmmmm. It didn't quite sound like her either. I was trying to assess the situation without getting out of bed so that's why I couldn't quite figure out who it was. Then Jason got up so I thought he had heard the yelling and was going to see what was going on. Instead he went into our bathroom and started the shower. Grrrrr..."Jason!" I yelled. No answer. Well, I guess I'm going to have to investigate myself. So I got up and paused outside of Abby's door. Nothing. Then I paused outside of Matthew's door. Nothing. Then I hear the soft yell of "Wipe my butt!" Mystery solved. Sam was yelling and it sounded muffled because he was in the kids' bathroom. Well, anyway, Sam was dry last night and I woke up to the sweet sound of "Wipe my butt!"

So I helped Sam out, then paused outside Abby's door. She was talking now. I got her, then paused outside of Matthew's door.  He was talking too. And our day begins.

Matthew is potty training too. I haven't mustered the courage to put him in underwear yet as I'm just not ready for poopy underwear, but he's trying to use the potty when he wakes up, at snacktimes and meals and before/after naps. Sometimes he goes of his own accord, but mostly I tell him it's time to try the potty. He always tries and thus far today, has produced something everytime, but he's also pooped in his diaper and not on the potty. But already with 4 hits today, he is well on his way to a new toy car. And maybe we'll try underwear soon. Maybe.

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