Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Can you hear me?

On Sunday we were playing outside when Jason commented that he thought Matthew was maybe hard of hearing. I disagreed as he just seems to have selective hearing and needs physical direction sometimes rather than just voice commands. Well, Jason decided to test his hearing. Matthew was riding his trike in the driveway when he stopped and started staring at something for a few moments. Jason then said softly, "Matthew, can you hear me?" Matthew continued staring. Then Matthew got off his trike and starting running toward us, yelling, "Ahhhhhhh! Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Ahhhhhh!" which was then followed by Matthew throwing his head back and squealing with laughter. Well, that answered Jason's question. Jason and I both stifled laughs although our laughs were masking apprehensions about who the heck is this kid and what does his future hold for us?

On another note, we've had a fair amount of rain lately and Matthew has taken to playing in the tote of rainwater which has been sitting on our deck for a few days. In fact, after I took the pictures below, Sam even got his swim trunks on and joined in the fun. Sam added a couple of glasses of water to the tote, but other than that it's all rainwater. Today the water measures 3.5 inches deep. Sorry, Iowa family, I hope some comes your way soon.

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