Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Almost Halloween

Today we went shopping for our Halloween costumes. Now, Jason and I are not anti-Halloween, but we just don't get into it that much, plus we're just too tired to "get into" much of anything these days. While our tiredness has definitely improved as the kids have gotten older, there is a lot going on at our house with our little ones running around. Anyway, so this year, same as last year, we got our Halloween stuff put together the day before Halloween. Sam wore his outfit some after our shopping trip and was quite proud of himself and Matthew reluctantly tried his on, but wanted it immediately removed. He didn't shed any tears, though, so maybe he will not have a hard a time with wearing a costume this year as he did last year. Abby didn't get her costume on yet, but I have a feeling it may not go well. She likely won't wear the hood portion of her costume without much fussing, so she probably wont' wear it or will be crying in pictures with it on. We can always hope for the best. Come back tomorrow for some pictures of the kids all dressed up.

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