Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm like you, Mommy!

Today after I put Abby down for her nap the boys and I were upstairs in the master bedroom as I was trying to get ready for the day. Sam first got out my tote of wrapping paper and gift bags and picked one out for cousin Josh while Matthew was playing on the bed, and then playing with curling ribbon. He was fully engrossed in the curling ribbon and left quite a mess of it in the bedroom, but at least I was able to get ready without interruption (yeah, in like 5 minutes).

And then there was an interruption. Sam called out to me, "Mommy, I'm like you." I was in the bathroom so I came out and there was Sam, without a shirt, but wearing my eye mask (which I use when I try to take a nap in our very bright bedroom) around his chest. Here's a look and there's Matthew enjoying the curling ribbon.

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