Monday, October 15, 2012


All the kids are sleeping now. All of them. It is very quiet. As much as I enjoy the kids, I still relish the quiet when they're sleeping. Abby went to bed around 7, and she chatted to herself for about 15 minutes before nodding off (I assume, since she's been quiet for the rest of the evening). The boys and I got ready for bed about 7:30 and calmly read stories in Sam's bed for awhile. Usually group storytime isn't so calm as the boys have a hard time sitting still for any length of time when they are together and prefer to run around, jump and touch each other. While they will sit still for indeterminate periods of time when I'm reading stories to them each alone, together is another story. I started using towels for storytime before naps (and bedtime when Jason's gone) so they each get a towel and have to sit on their towel (which I space a few feet apart from each other) while I read stories. It works pretty well (those preschool teachers know what they're doing) and has done much to alleviate the storytime craziness. So we read stories, prayed and sang our night night songs then the boys went to bed.

And I went to the master bedroom to do some work on the computer. Then Matthew started "Momomomomom!" He wanted to tell me that he wanted to go to the zoo. And the children's museum. And back to the zoo. And he asked if there are kangaroos at the zoo. And he kept throwing out random statements and questions until I finally told him to go to bed and left his room. So back to the master bedroom to work on the computer. Then Sam came in and said BaaBaa want to give me hugs and kisses. So he did, and then Sam told me that BaaBaa wanted to stay with me and Sam kept talking about something or another. I told him to go to bed and he kept talking. I just have a hard time getting the kids to bed when they just keep talking. Anyway, he finally left (and left BaaBaa with me with the instructions to bring him into Sam's room after 3 minutes) and I got back to work.

So after a few more interruptions, the kids finally fell asleep. Every night before Jason and I go to bed we sneak into Sam's room and shut off his lamp and I enjoy so much seeing him sleeping. He has all sorts of various positions for sleep, although his favorite seems to be on his back. It's not that I'm grateful he's finally asleep, there's just a surge of love and endearment that I feel when I look at him sleeping so peacefully. Matthew has started sleeping with the door to his room open, so I usually sneak into his room to peek at him too. The kids are just so cute when they're asleep. Matthew sleeps in various positions too, usually covered by or sleeping on top of books. I don't usually get to see Abby before bed as she sleeps with her door closed and I don't want o disturb the little princess. But I get to see her sleeping when I get her up sometimes when one of her naps is going too long. She seems to favor sleeping on her tummy with her legs tucked under her and butt up in the air. I remember the boys sleeping like that sometimes too.

Anyway, the kids are all sleeping and all is quiet.

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