Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween fun!

Tonight we got the kids dressed up for some trick-or-treating fun. The boys decided to be farmers. Sam has wanted to be a farmer for a few weeks and Matthew decided on Tuesday that he wanted to be a farmer. Prior to that, he wanted to be a farmer or a green walrus. Glad he went with farmer. Abby was a Care Bear as we got a cute Care Bear costume as a hand-me-down from our Kirchhoff cousins. The attempts to get them all looking at the camera at the same time was of course unsuccessful (for those wondering why you haven't seen any pictures with the five of us...well, we can't get the kids even looking at the camera at the same time, and certainly not smiling, and given Matthew's aversion to strangers like a photographer, well, it would be an exercise in futility and just cause unneeded stress. So there won't likely be any family pics for awhile.) but at least we got them all in the same picture facing forward. So here are our little trick-or-treaters.
Sam was holding Abby back as she likes to be on the move and Matthew was trying to rake the concrete. Our little farmers looked an awful lot like hunters, but often they're one and the same, so I really don't see a problem with that. About the mini rakes, they got them from a neighbor on Monday so decided to use them as farmer props. Here's a couple of other pictures.

While Matthew was in a good mood in the pictures, he wasn't in much of a good mood when we were trick-or-treating. Rather, he looked down and didn't want to talk to our friendly neighbors and even he faced the street rather than the door of a house we were visiting. He was even a little shy when we went to Ken and Cheri's house. After a few houses I decided it was time for Matthew to be done trick-or-treating and he happily went home and then was himself. Abby went to a few of our closest neighbors then she was ready for bed. Sam and I then trekked down the rest of the street and he was very polite and enjoyed himself and got a pile of candy. Most of the neighbors noticed Matthew's absence and gave Sam extra candy to share with him. We had a good time and now we have a bunch of candy to enjoy! Happy Halloween!

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