Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cold days

What do we do these days? Well, the boys tend to find all sorts of things to climb on and jump off. Including Matthew's chest of drawers. Did I already write about that? They can be pretty naughty sometimes, although they haven't yet figured out yet (at least Matthew hasn't) that unless you want to get caught, you need to be quiet. So, the seriously loud thuds coming from Matthew's room was a clear indicator of illegal activities. That jumping has ended, but they've found other things to jump off. And then they run around in circles. Sometimes they hold onto a scarf or a measuring tape and run around after each other and sometimes they just run around. And around and around. I'm pretty sure I wrote about this last winter and now here it is almost winter and we are at it again.

We also do a lot more crafts, puzzles and painting/coloring. Almost every day Sam wants to do a craft and I usually only have one per week. Now we're not talking elaborate craft stuff, this week I bought a Christmas necklace kit from the fabric store's $1 section and that was it. Sam loved it, Matthew started his necklace then took it apart and Sam finished his too. And he's been wearing it around including to the Y this morning where he proudly showed it off. What a cute little guy. So here's the puzzle making activities. Sam is getting pretty good at putting together 75-100 piece puzzles although he usually needs a little help getting started. Matthew's mastered 12 piece puzzles and is working toward 24 piece right now. They often sit right next to each other and put together their separate puzzles and Sam often lends a helping hand to Matthew which Matthew really appreciates and I do too.

What does Abby do these days? She busies herself saying lots of new words (lately she's added "cheese", "dessert" and "no" to her repertoire), following the boys around and grabbing their toys and hurrying away in that cute little toddler pre-running state. She makes the most of opportunities when I'm on the floor as she loves to sit with me when the option presents itself and she also likes to horseplay if I'm lying down and she will come and belly flop on me. We all generally have a good time together despite our extended time indoors. Of course, the kids fight some and I get a little crazy too every once in awhile, but we're making it. We'll see how it's going in February, but the cold season is off to a positive (and late, thankfully) start. Now, I know this picture doesn't have anything to do with this post, but it's post-worthy, so here is Abby, post-nap.

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