Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sam's acting debut

So here's the backstory. Jason has to give a presentation on "hyperbolic discounting" which has something to do with delayed gratification in the economic sense. So he thought it would be fun to have a video clip at the beginning of his presentation in which Sam is the main actor. He thought it would be fun to play off the famous psychological marshmallow experiment of the 60s (I believe it was the 60s) where kids are given one marshmallow and told that if they wait a few minutes without eating the marshmallow, they will be given another one. There's a video of the experiment on YouTube which is very cute. Apparently, the study was longitudinal and so the kids who had the ability to wait (delaying gratification for greater reward) turned out to be more successful down the road. 

Anyway, the plan was that Jason was going to present Sam with the scenario of one marshmallow, and told that he could earn another one if he waited a few minutes and Sam is supposed to say, instead of playing into the experiment, "Dad, is this about hyperbolic discounting, again?" Sam was coached and coached and coached and practiced practiced practiced his line. And this is the result. 

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