Monday, December 17, 2012


Well, I had meant to write something about all the snow we got last week, but never got around to it, so now we're on to the next topic. Stomach flu. Yuck. Jason got it on Saturday. Abby got it on Sunday. Sam got it tonight. We'll see Matthew ends up. I got a stomach bug a few weeks ago so I hope I already got it and am immune, although I'm still washing my hands raw and rubbing down door knobs, chairs, faucets, light switch plates, toilets, etc. etc. etc. Poor Abby ended up getting three baths in 24 hours and two change of sheets. Sam ended up getting two sponge baths tonight and one change of sheets (so far). I ended up ...wait...I need to change my last sentence. Sam ended up getting two sponge baths and one regular bath tonight (the regular bath was 10 minutes ago...9:25PM), he's gotten three pillows dirty (they're waiting in line in the laundry room) and two lovies (BaaBaa...he's on his second wash cycle now...and a plush dog).

Sam, while he's extremely pale, is handling his sickness quite well. Not that he's bouncing around, but he's not crying despite his tummy troubles. Abby got pretty scared when her tummy was yucky and cried a lot. She's still quite cuddly and suffering some ill effects, but she's much better than she was yesterday. She doesn't seem to have much of an appetite and only wants to eat cheese and drink water. Cheese? Yes, cheese. Her favorite food.

I don't think we'll be going out much this week. The Y is out until the kids are healthy for at least 24 hours. While I stay home while the kids are really sick, if they're in recovery mode and up for a little outing our usual destination is Har Mar Mall and the pet store.  It's really not very busy (just don't go on the weekend), so the kids aren't going to spread their germs around much and it's something that can cheer up a sick kid. Sam I'm sure will want to watch TV all day tomorrow and I think he sometimes looks forward to being sick for that reason. Matthew will enjoy that for awhile before he gets bored.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. It's that time of year.

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