Thursday, January 10, 2013

40 in January

Today it got up to 40, so we took advantage of the warm weather to get outside for a bit. Sam made the most of it by riding his bike and tricycle, while Abby enjoyed just walking around in the driveway. Matthew didn't want to join us at first, opting to stay inside and look at books, but eventually he got interested in going outside and drove furiously around on the tricycle. Then it started to rain pretty hard so our fun time outside ended and we went back inside for some more indoor play. I wasn't able to get any very good pictures as I was not sure about the best settings on the camera for all the snow, but I was able to take a few to post. None of the pictures of Matthew turned out as he just wouldn't slow down on his tricycle, but I got some of Abby and Sam. Abby, fortunately, tolerated her hat just fine after initially pulling it off. It's nice she doesn't scream about it anymore so we can go outside some.

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