Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Abby's 15 mo.

After being out all of last week with the flu, I am finally getting back into the swing of things despite some lingering fatigue. Anyway, Abby had her 15 mo. appointment yesterday. The boys tagged along and we talked a lot about how to behave at the doctor's office as the last time they came with their behavior was less than ideal. Apparently the pre-appointment instruction worked as they were pretty well behaved, they didn't run and jump around, nor did they yell. The only distracting thing was that Matthew pretended to be a kitty the entire time and was meowing and crawling on the floor through the appointment.

Abby handled herself pretty well after crying upon entering the office and while getting her height and weight taken. During her examination she was completely fine and quite inquisitive as she grabbed the stethoscope and placed it next to her ear. Then came the shots which are never fun, but she handled them as well as any 15 month old does, she cried some but got over it after a few minutes. Sam covered his ears while she was crying, but was an otherwise supportive brother.

Apparently Abby is supposed to have 3-6 words at this phase of life and she has well over that. Let's see, I know I've listed these before, but here are some new ones she came out with lately: Matthew (Matt-ewww), please (pease), block and book. I'd say she has at least 20 words, so she's definitely on top of her language skills. As far as her other stats, here they are:

Height: 31.25 in., 75th percentile
Weight: 21.25 lb, 25th percentile

I just pulled out the boy's stats at that age and here they are:

Height:(Matthew) 33.25 in, (Sam) 33 in.
Weight: (Matthew) 26.25 lb, (Sam) 21.25 lb

All in all, Abby continues to grow, she happy and healthy and we are very blessed.

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