Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Best toy ever

We've had some extra couch cushions hidden up in our closet for a year or two. Then a few weeks ago, we took the cushions to a foam store and got them restuffed with new foam that holds up better than the current foam. So we took the old cushions off the couch, replaced them with the newly stuffed ones and gave the kids the old ones to play with. I didn't think anything too much of it, but they have turned out to be one of the best play things our kids ever have had. Since we gave them to the kids, they have played with/on them for around an hour a day and are played with in all sorts of ways.

The boys jump on them, belly flop on them, slide on them, jump over them, somersault on them, build a "tent" with them and play under them, lay on them during pretend nap times, arrange cars and trains on them and even Abby gets to play on them and enjoys laying and rolling around on them. When Jason gets home from work, he makes Sam and Matthew sandwiches with the cushions which always produces plenty of laughter. Not only do they keep the kids happily occupied, but also are giving the kids some great exercise as they run and jump over, run and roll, run and jump on, climb and flop on and so on. Wow. What a great toy. Sam told me the other day that when we get new cushions we are to give the old ones to the kids.

As with any favored toy, they are also a source of contention like when Abby won't move off of them and the boys want to perform some daring acrobatic feats. And of course, the boys want both of them to themselves and don't want to each take one. Or they don't want to take turns. Or they have them propped up against the couch and flop down on them, and then they don't want to set them back up for their brother. But overall, the kids are doing pretty good at sharing and taking turns and making the most of our couch cushions.

Last year I had thought about getting one of those plastic indoor kid slides that are like 18 inches off the ground. Just something to give the kids something to play on and get some exercise during the long winter months, but I doubt that would have gotten as much play as the cushions. Who knew? Well, now I know. Best toy ever.

Here are the boys enjoying the best toy ever.

And then there's Abby making for the camera as I'm trying to take her picture.

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