Saturday, January 5, 2013

Still sick

Well, we still have some sickness going around here. Matthew's cold is much improved, but he still has some hard times with it and tries to wipe out his mouth and apparently his scratchy throat. He has moments of extreme grumpiness, but they are not as frequent as they were earlier in the week. Then on Wed night Abby started sounding wheezy and having a barky cough, so we took her in to the doctor on Thursday and she has croup. Her breathing was never too bad, but now she has a fully blown cold. Her nose is running like crazy and she, like most little ones, hates having her nose wiped. You'd think someone was pulling her hair or pinching her as she screams and shakes her head around when someone tries to wipe her nose. In fact, when she sees Jason or I approaching her with a kleenex she takes off in the other direction.

And is she ever grumpy! Wow, her opinions are quite strong when she's well, but when she's sick, you'd better watch out because she is a grump. This afternoon when Jason and Sam were out running errands both Matthew and Abby took bad naps then were up at the same time. I had gotten Abby up first, so when Matthew got up I brought him downstairs and held him for awhile. As we all know, Abby does not like to share Mommy, so she screamed and pulled at Matthew. So after a minute or so I told Matthew it was Abby's turn and picked her up. Matthew was in a grumpy post-nap mood, so he cried and cried and cried. So then I tried to hold both of them, one on one leg and one on another. Abby went crazy. She was trying to hit Matthew and push him away with her legs. And screaming. So I laid her beside me and held Matthew for awhile. She continued to scream and kick at Matthew with her legs. My goodness. At the moment it wasn't amusing, in fact, I was ready to cry, but looking back it was just another moment with small children.

Moving to another topic, our dishwasher started leaking copious amounts of water the other night. I walked into the kitchen and said, "Whoa, water, water, water! Get towels!" and we quickly got 3 bath towels and wiped up the floor and Jason got some pans and put them under the dishwasher. We've been watching for the dishwasher to leak as it apparently had overnight a few weeks ago and warped our nice hardwood floors. So Jason took off the door of the dishwasher and did some investigating with the help of the boys. In the picture they are running a test cycle and checking for leaks. Throughout the day, the boys would stop by the dishwasher and update us on the leak status. Using some foam and aquarium caulk, it is now believed to be fixed and we will run another test run tomorrow.

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