Saturday, July 6, 2013

A summer Saturday

Jason has been working like crazy on the back garage and it is looking pretty good. I'll have to post pictures soon. The siding is almost done, so other than the inside, it will be looking like a finishing product soon.

Anyway, after a brief trip to the playground this morning (brief because it was too hot, too humid, and too sunny), we came home and decided to do some crafting. I offered to get out the paints and the kids were eager to paint, so I covered the table somewhat and they dove right in. Abby has been content with water colors (see the picture of all 3 and Abby has a bowl of water in front of her) but today she noticed that the boys had a different kind of paint. She indicated that she wanted to try that paint and I covered her with an apron and gave her some of the tempera paint just like the boys had.

The boys carefully painted their pages. Matthew painted a picture of Mickey Mouse and he likes to paint the entire picture, not painting in the lines or anything, but rather painting a patchwork of colors all over. So he ends up with a page covered with squares of different colors. Sam likes to paint on plain paper and he makes all sorts of abstract designs. He will paint a curvy road across a page, then paint some circles or other odd shapes, then he usually get to a point where he just fills in his curves with a mishmash of color. They both have their own unique techniques.

Abby took her paintbrushes and smeared around the paint on the paper plate which I put the blobs on paint on. She quickly made work of her smearing and then wanted more paint to smear around. She got her hands, arms, legs and the exposed parts of her clothes pretty well decorated as well and seemed to enjoy her first experience with real paint. I haven't tried finger painting with her as the boys never liked it so I just never pursued it with her but I think I may need to try it now.

The boys have been having a lot of fun helping Jason with the garage so after painting and lunch, they helped out some. Yesterday they carried a few of the 16' siding boards from the main garage to the back garage and Sam even dragged some all by himself which he was quite proud of. Jason likes to give them little jobs to do like they use a dustpan and broom to "clean up" the inside of the garage. Both boys like to play with the scraps of the siding and build things with it. Matthew was playing with a few pieces and said they were an airplane, another time they were a drum. Sam built a house and a tower with some of his scraps.

After all their playing and helping today, Matthew was quite tired. I told him he could lay down in his room or on the couch, but he didn't want to pursue either option. However, his tiredness got the best of him, so he laid down on the rug by the sliding door and a few minutes later was asleep. And there he remained for an hour and a half. Despite some loud playing and brightness, Matthew had no problem sleeping through it all. He was one tuckered out little boy.

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