Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I read about using chore sticks a while ago as a means to distribute chores to children and tried it out today. You take some craft sticks and write the chores that you want done for the day or week and the kids draw their chores from the bunch. So I wrote down 6 chores today, put away silverware, put away kid plates, wash windows, dust, set table and empty trash cans (the little ones in the bathrooms and bedrooms). Now, I don't expect the kids to really wash the windows or dust without some significant help and guidance, but it's a start. They already help me with these tasks, but I thought I needed to make their helping a little more organized rather than me just asking them to help when I feel like it.

So I wrote on the sticks and the boys got to each pick three. They were quite excited about picking their sticks and even excited about their chores. Sam was especially happy to get washing the windows and Matthew was disappointed with dusting, but liked emptying the garbage cans. At one point I tried to grab one of the garbage bags Matthew had collected and was scolded because "That's my job!" he yelled. Abby fussed because she didn't get any sticks, but I gave her some blank ones which she colored. Sam and Matthew also wanted some blank sticks which they colored and Sam organized his into various shapes such as a parrot.

All in all, it was a successful first day of using chore sticks. The kids were excited and completed their chores mostly without complaint. It was a good start and hopefully their excitement about chores will continue for a long time (although I'm not holding my breath).

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