Sunday, July 14, 2013

A typical weekend

This weekend was pretty typical of a weekend around our house. On Saturday Jason spent some time in the basement building a really cool fort with the kids while I went for a haircut (so a haircut isn't typical for me, but some time to myself is pretty typical, generally I go grocery shopping). Then Jason worked on the back garage while the boys helped or hung out with Abby and I. Matthew especially spent a good deal of time in the garage, sitting on the John Deere, playing with scraps of wood and just watching Jason work. In the afternoon Sam helped me make ice cream and we all enjoyed homemade ice cream which Sam remarked was extra good because he secretly stirred it extra while I was setting up the ice cream machine. It was remarkably good. The kids and I set up a blanket under a tree beside the garage and watched Jason work and helped out when needed or when we felt like it. Abby enjoyed practicing her balance by walking back and forth on the pieces of siding which were lying on the ground.

Our Sunday afternoon was quite fun too. Jason worked on the garage while the boys and I went swimming in our little pool. I got a bit tired of their lackluster playing in the water (they were sitting on a chair in the water) and decided to show them what playing the pool is really about. So I got on my swimsuit and showed them how to do a running headfirst sliding entry into the pool. The excitement of having Mommy swim with them or my inspiring moves really brought out a new level of fun in our swimming and the boys made up all sorts of interesting water entry moves. Sam's favorite was the feet first butt flop, while Matthew preferred a circle entry in which he ran around in circles before gently entering the water headfirst (all without getting his hair wet). We had loads of fun, but Abby was napping so she didn't get to join in.

After Jason finished up the garage, he set up the sprinkler so we could continue some water fun. The boys (including Jason) really had a blast with the sprinkler and ended up getting soaked which is not usual for them as they generally hate getting their faces wet. However, they took it like little boys should and just had a lot of fun. Abby did not have much fun with the sprinkler. She was walking toward Jason who was near the sprinkler when she walked right into the cold sprinkling water and was quite surprised and shocked. She ran over to me, crying, terrified of the sprinkler and then shrieked whenever it came near her. She and I spent time on the deck watching the boys enjoy the sprinkler. After Jason turned down the sprinkler so the water was only spraying maybe 3 feet high, I was able to convince Abby to let me run through it while I held her and while she was apprehensive, she didn't cry and may even try it out herself next time. It was a beautiful summer weekend and we really enjoyed our time as a family.

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