Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Playgrounds, swimming and general summer fun

I took a few pictures yesterday when the kids were swimming and saw some pictures that I hadn't looked at from a playground that we went to a couple of weeks ago. Oh, we have a lot of summer fun these days and here's a look.

Sam was quite proud of his new swim trunks (though they are a bit big) as they have all sorts of cool sea creatures on them like sharks (and he loves sharks these days!).
 I got the kids some goggles a few weeks ago at Target and they came in a pack of three, so Abby got some too. None of the kids actually wear them for the intended purpose (seeing underwater), but they do like to wear them around. Abby wore her's for about 10 minutes yesterday as she went down the slide into the pool. The boys got a kick out of her look with the goggles.

And here are our playground pics. The kids enjoyed the "teeter totter." They have no idea what they are missing with these new teeter totters that barely move up and down, but they have fun nonetheless.

 Someday I dream of having family pictures taken, or maybe pictures of the three kids together. I was hoping that dream would come true sometime this summer, so I decided to see if I could get the three together for a decent shot. These are the best of the bunch and none are probably worth putting on a Christmas card, but they are fun for our own memories.

Sam is quite a climber (actually, all the kids are) and he really has a lot of fun on the rock climbing part of the playground. It's even more fun for him as it has a dinosaur skeleton imprint on the backside of it (and he also loves dinosaurs these days).

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