Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's genetic

Tonight at dinner Sam started screeching/screaming in short bursts. Jason told him to stop it. Another short screech/scream. Jason again repeated it with the same result. Jason then issued the threat, "If you scream one more time, you are going in time out." Sam replied by screeching/screaming in a much lower, nonirritating tone. Both of us held back laughs and though "The little smart aleck..." No, I believe we didn't think so cleanly about his response. I made the comment that Sam reminded me so much of Jason in times like those...partly responding to a request or command, but not quite. Just enough to not break the rules, but enough to continue to be irksome. Jason didn't disagree with me.

He then pointed to Matthew and said that he must take after me. Matthew was covered with gobs of caramel apple dip from supper and was leaning over trying to lick some more caramel apple dip off of his tray, which was impossible. I didn't fully disagree either and thought, why should good food go to waste? I just don't know where Matthew gets his temper or fiestyness...neither Jason or I will fess up to passing along those genes. Guess you'll have to ask our parents and siblings for their opinions on the matter.

In other matters, we had a nice weekend in IA for the Easter holiday and also celebrated Matthew's first birthday with the Reese side of the family. Matthew was a little overwhelmed by the crowd and attention at times and preferred to be within 1-2 feet of his mom when there were lots of people around. He also was a little under the weather and still is, but he's doing pretty good. I can't believe he's almost one! The cousins and sibling greatly enjoyed "helping" Matthew open his presents, and they also enjoyed playing with his gifts.  

Matthew loved his cookies and cream birthday cupcakes, he had two. He's (usually, except for the caramel apple dip tonight) a pretty clean eater, so he was surprisingly clean for the "first-birthday-post-cake" picture.

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