Monday, April 4, 2011

Some Sam Statements

Here are some of Sam's statements today:

Sam: (during breakfast) Mommy, I don't like you. Go back to bed. I want Daddy. He come home from work soon. (??? This was unprompted...really, it was. I feel like I have a teenager in a 2-year old body)

Sam: Mommy, change my diaper! The poopy is coming! The poopy is coming! (Potty training is going nowhere...whenever Sam has to go, he begs to go and if he's done #2 he waddles to the changing table...maybe we are getting somewhere)

Mommy: (Sam got his cars taken away for the day...). Sam, your cars are in timeout today.
Sam: I play with cars at the Y. ( a**)

Daddy: (while watching the Twins game...Jason was teaching Sam the basics of the game including what you can purchase at the concession stand). Sam, do you want to go to a baseball game?
Sam: yeah!
Daddy: Can Mommy come?
Sam: Yeah!
Sam: I get a beer!
Mommy: Who gets a beer?
Sam: I do!

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