Saturday, April 2, 2011


Last night I fell asleep around 7PM so I didn't have time to post to the blog. I've been having trouble lately due to the fact that I'm just so tired! Hopefully I'll feel better soon. I had another baby appt on Thurs and the kiddo is doing well. We found a heartbeat and all my labs came back normal.

No new progress to report on Sam's potty training. He hasn't earned any new stickers nor has he taken the stickers and put them on his chart. He does know where the cars are stashed, though, and has to look at them frequently throughout the day. Why that isn't motivating him to try to earn them, I don't know. We'll get there.

Matthew's had a fever for the past few days, but finally was fever free today. His top two teeth are ready to burst through, but just aren't quite there yet, so that may be the cause of his fever. He's also been rather crabby and clingy, just not himself, and going to bed early. But tonight he made it until 7PM and we had a fun day. I will have to take video of him walking with the riding toys sometime. He gets going so fast and sometimes takes a tumble, cries a little, then gets back up. The child care workers at the Y told me his is quite fearless and yes, he certainly is.

Jason is making a lot of progress on the basement. We are ready to begin painting the walls (shall I say he is, I'm not sure if I'm okay to paint in my condition...), and ordered carpet today. In the next few weeks he should be all done!

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