Friday, April 8, 2011


Well, it has begun. Matthew has finally started to retaliate against Sam's commandeering behavior. It started this morning. We were playing outside, enjoying the wonderful weather  and enjoying some oatmeal cookies for snack. I was breaking the cookie into little pieces for Matthew when he dropped a piece on the steps of a little play structure we got from our neighbors (you can see it in the pictures). Matthew bent down to pick it up when Sam started up the steps and unknowingly stepped on the bit of cookie. Matthew cried out and started batting at Sam with his pudgy little hands. Sam didn't flinch and probably didn't even notice, but I sure noticed. Matthew was hitting Sam and screaming. It was quickly over, but that wasn't the last episode of retaliation for the day.

A few minutes later Matthew was pushing around a little riding toy, practicing his walking, when Sam came up and just took it from him. While Sam was in the act of taking the riding toy by force Matthew again screamed in frustration and started hitting him. Sam again didn't seem to notice but I intervened and returned the toy to Matthew. Later when Sam took a toy truck from Matthew the same episode replayed itself. Matthew has definitely had enough of Sam's behavior and life is going to become a lot more interesting now.

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