Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Sam!

Hi Sam, Well, today you turned 3 years old. Wow. It's gone so fast. At times I can't remember that you used to be a little baby and now you are three. I know that someday when you're even older, I will look back and say that I can't believe you used to be three. It's amazing how our memories work--we live in the moment and barely remember what happened before. I think being a sleep-deprived parent of multiple young kids may have something to do with the amnesia too.

Anyway, you woke at your usual 6:30AM, or at least that's what time Jason walked by your room and took you downstairs for breakfast. You got to open a present (Richard Scarry's Busy Busy Town) during breakfast before Jason left for work and then you and I enjoyed reading your new book together before Matthew woke up. You just love books. I thought this one would be a winner for you as the other Richard Scarry books we have are becoming more and more tattered and torn and taped up. We ended up reading the book three times today and you also looked at it on your own a few times as well. You told people today that "My birthday is coming up!" and I had to correct you and say that it was today. The concept of time is slowly coming to you, although you have a ways to go yet. For example, you said, "I went to the boat races a few years ago," when you meant that it was a few weeks ago. But you're getting there.

We also went to the doctor for your 3 year check-up. You were such a brave boy getting weighed, measured and looked over. Didn't cry at all, although you did cling tightly to BaaBaa's legs and sniff his feet often. You weren't very cooperative when the doctor asked you questions. Sometimes I can't get you to stop talking, but you talk when you want to and are silent when you want to be. At every doctor's visit we're given a developmental "what to expect" list and one of the things listed said that you may have an imaginary friend or something similar. While you don't have an imaginary friend, you've talked often lately about what Baa Baa likes or does. For example, you said that BaaBaa didn't want to read books, he wanted to play cars the other day. Also, BaaBaa feels tired and wanted to nap yesterday, but you didn't want to. It's cute to see how you have given BaaBaa a personality and feelings and preferences.

Here are your stats from today's appointment: Height: 38.25", 75th percentile, Weight: 21.5 lb, 50th percentile. You are a pretty tall and lean boy. Maybe you're taking after your Uncle David. Before your birthday you said that when you turned 3 you would be big--as big as Daddy. I don't know it you were shocked today when it didn't happen, but you still persist in saying that soon you will be big as Daddy. Happy Birthday, Sam. Love, Mom

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