Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hi boys and readers, I'm not sure the new format is really working for me. I guess I can't always think of something that I want to write to the boys about. I'd rather write a general post. So what I'm going to do is just write either a letter to the boys or a general post and see how that goes. Although that doesn't fully explain my dearth of posts lately. For one, Matthew has been getting up at 5:30 for the last week and a half. I don't know what brought that on, but it's certainly threw me for a loop and has made me so tired! As if I'm not extremely tired already with one month to go until the baby's due date. Fortunately, today Matthew woke at 6:51, which is more the pattern he's settled in for the past few months. So I'm able to stay up until past 10PM and write a post. And then I have some knitting projects I'm trying to finish up before the baby. No, they're not for the baby, but I know that my knitting is going to be postponed indefinitely once the little girl arrives. So I've been knitting frantically and finished up a vest for Sam (which he is very excited about and wanted to wear it over his t-shirt when I completed it) and a cardigan for myself.

Anyway, back to my original topic for today...regurgitation. What do you think of when you hear regurgitation? Perhaps mother birds feeding their babies? Well, Matthew, you like to regurgitate your food. I've wondered to myself and to Jason how long this behavior will last and when you will stop, but you don't show any signs of changing at this point. It's really kind of funny behavior. We'll start out dinner with something, like bread or crackers or whatever I have ready for you at the time you realize you're hungry and cry and scream at my feet. So you'll get buckled into your booster chair and start eating the initial offering. Then as I get more food and milk ready I give it to you. When you are offered something you prefer you just spit out whatever happens to be in your mouth at the time. Sometimes we will be well into our meal and you will be happily eating the food on your tray, but then you decide that what you just put into your mouth isn't as good as something else on your tray, so you just spit it out and move on. You do this when you want to take a drink. Rather than just swallowing what's in your mouth when you want to take a drink, you spit it out. Matthew, this is really just yucky behavior. You can just swallow it! Sometimes you end up eating whatever you spit out (hence the regurgitation title) and sometimes the partly chewed, drooly food ends up on your tray, the floor or stuck to your bib. Today you spit out a brownie! A brownie! How awful! What a wonderful food! But you wanted a drink of milk to wash down the previous bite, so there was the gooey, chewed up dark brown trail slowly dribbling down your chin and onto your bib. Ugh. The poor, rejected brownie. Anyway, Matthew, we're hoping you move on from this behavior soon. It really won't do when you get older. It's just a little gross now, but will be much grosser when your older. Nigh nigh, time for me to go to bed. Love, Mom

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