Monday, September 5, 2011


Hi boys, We are at the point your lives where sharing has become an issue. Prior to this time, it wasn't much of a big deal, because Matthew, you just didn't understand that Sam was taking your toys and you didn't want to play with the same things as Sam anyways. But now you have been enlightened as to what are fun and desirable toys and you both want the same toys. So you will both be playing with different toys for awhile, then one of you will realize that the other is playing with a desirable toy. Then the interested party will wander over and grab the desirable toy and run away. This results in screaming and crying by the offended party and the need for intervention by a parent.

The sharing issue even is so bad that Sam, you don't want to go to the bathroom out of fear that Matthew will take your toys. Sometimes when Matthew walks near your toys you will hug them and cover them with your body and say, "No Matthew!" Matthew, you also are very protective and will sometimes just start screaming if Sam even walks near you when you are playing. I guess you have discovered that Sam will often snatch your toy and you preemptively protect your interests.

On a funny note, the other day I was getting two snack bags ready to take to the park and Grandma Sue asked if she could have some of Sam's snack. Sam, you offered up Matthew's snack for sharing. So the sharing concept is just not catching on. We'll just have to keep working on it. It makes for a quite interesting and eventful house these days.

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