Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is that funny?

Sam, Lately you have been exploring what is funny and what is not. You will do or say something, then ask, "Was that funny, Mommy?"  What is funny is that usually you are not funny. For example, you will blow bubbles in your milk and ask if that's funny. Or you will tap your spoon on the metal bar chairs we have. Well, that's not exactly funny. Kiddo, unfortunately, much of what you do that you wonder if it's funny is just annoying. It's not really naughty, but just annoying. Maybe another little kid would think it's funny and often, you make Matthew laugh, so maybe that's where you are getting your ideas of funniness. In the future, I don't think I'd recommend using Matthew as a test audience for your comedian jokes.

You do, however, know who is funny and who is not, although you are apparently uncertain as to what is funny. Yesterday you were saying, "I am funny. Daddy is funny. Mommy is not funny." I asked you why Daddy was funny and I was not, and you couldn't pin point it, but you were certain Daddy is funny and I am not. You also said Matthew was not funny, but that Matthew was cute. Okay. I agree that Daddy is funny (and sometimes annoying) and you are funny (and sometimes annoying and exasperating) and Matthew is cute (and also funny). Daddy on occasion entertains thoughts of doing stand up comedy instead of working in finance, so you are right to pick out the funny parent. I on the other hand, just am Mom. I wonder how you would describe me? Thus far, you've determined that I'm not funny, another day you told me I don't work, except for I make dinner which is work. Other than that, what am I? Maybe your vocabulary isn't ready to describe me yet. I don't think Daddy's vocabulary is ready to describe me either. Perhaps that just comes with being a male. Daddy can give you good advice on working with females, but for now, just tell me you love me and give me a hug. And just be yourself. Continue asking what is funny. Continue hugging and loving BaaBaa and tell me what BaaBaa likes to do and eat. Continue playing and dancing and singing and running and jumping. That will suffice for the time being. Love you, Mom

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