Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Children's Museum

Hi Kiddos, Today with the weather being super hot and humid I decided to take you to the Children's Museum. I don't know how much we'll go there after the little one arrives, but over the past year we've gone about once a month or so. This month we may go twice to get some extra play time in before your sister comes to change all our lives forever. Anyway, I included some pictures of your favorite activities, which involve the water play area. We always head there first and spend a good portion of time there (meaning maybe a half hour) before moving on to other areas. Matthew, you especially like the water, which is fitting since you were born into water. Sam, your favorite part of water play is, of course, the "boat races" which is actually what you call the Children's Museum. I will say, "We're going to the Children's Museum today" and you'll say something like, "The boat races? By Daddy's work? By the french fry store?" At our house you have to settle for playing with water during bath time or maybe I'll set up the swimming pool in the backyard. Sometimes I even fill a dishpan with soapy water and lay down towels and let you have at it with measuring cups and spoons. At any rate, you are both perfectly happy playing with water. Although the water stuff at the Children's Museum is just really cool and a lot of fun. Enjoy the pics. 

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