Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Abby rolled over by the volleyball today (she is now doing full rolls and moving herself a few feet). She actually touched it some and Jason is happy to report that both her knees appear to be fully intact despite the contact. How she will fare in her teen years is yet to be determined.

Back to volleyball. That's how it all began. Seven years ago about this time of year, Jason and I met at EagleBrook's young adult volleyball night (it's a large church that used to host volleyball every Friday). I remember he was wearing a gray t-shirt with cutoff sleeves and blue shorts and he claims I was wearing a "Science is fun" t-shirt. I don't recall that particular detail and I also don't recall wearing that shirt in public, but if he says so, it must be true. My first impression of him was "Cute, but too old" and his first impression of me was "Cute, but too young". I'm not kidding. That was that and we didn't see each other until April sometime when a friend asked both of us to play on the same sand volleyball team. We got to know each other better and started dating in July. That summer and the following we played volleyball two or three nights a week. We were in a couple of leagues, played pick up once or twice a week and had a great time.

Well, things have changed. We are now married. We have been blessed with three kids. We have had three knee surgeries between us since we've met (and one each before we met.) We play volleyball together hardly ever. I play in a women's league during the fall and winter and he plays some sand volleyball in the summer, but we take turns now as we have little ones to watch these days. Sometimes I bring the kids to watch Jason play in the summer and we will probably do that this summer too. The boys have fun, although it's tough keeping them out of the sand as sand="fun stuff to play in".

I miss playing volleyball with Jason. I miss the carefree fun and competition. But I love the kids. Things change and our lives look different now than they did seven years ago. But when I look at the picture of Abby with the volleyball, there is no question of what's really important in our lives.

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