Thursday, May 17, 2012

Listening to the ocean

When Ken and Cheri got back from Florida they brought the kids some shells. So last night I was attempting to diffuse a Sam tantrum as he had some privileges removed because of bad behavior and I decided to try the distraction technique rather than ignoring or active engagement. Anyway, he was crying and tantruming so I picked up a shell and listened intently. Then I said, "Sam, I can hear the ocean!" He quickly stopped tantrumming and wanted to try it out for himself. He did and after awhile he said, "Mommy, what's that noise?" "It's sounds like the ocean," I said. Then he said, "No, I hear a whale!" I exclaimed that was amazing, then asked him what else he heard. He then made a hiccuping noise and said, "Mommy, someone is hiccuping in the ocean! There's a shark too!" I asked if there was a hiccuping shark, to which he replied that there was not. I then listened again and made a hiccup noise myself. "I hear someone else hiccuping in the ocean!" I said. Sam replied, "Mommy, that was you!" And we laughed. Tantrum diffused.

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