Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our afternoon and evening

I decided to work on my photography again, so pulled out the camera and a white sheet and shot away. Only Sam and Abby were awake at the time, so they were my subjects. Not exactly ideal subjects as Abby rarely sits still for more than a split second and she especially doens't like to be on her back, preferring to roll over on her tummy almost immediately upon being placed on her back. Sam also isn't the greatest subject as he is in the phase of fake smiles and he always wants to look at the pictures instead of holding still for them to be taken. Anyway, I got one that was relatively decent of Abby and Sam and here it is. 
 Later in the evening after we had supper, Jason decided to mow the lawn as it was growing like crazy with all the rain and warm weather we've had lately. Matthew always likes to take a turn on the mower when Jason is done and throws a complete fit if he believes Jason is putting the mower away before he's had a chance to drive. Jason has gotten to the point of turning over the wheel to him and so he steers by himself although Jason usually has to intervene before Matthew runs into the fence of deck. But he sure enjoys himself. Pure joy.

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