Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rainy day fort

Sunday was kind of rainy and dreary so Jason decided to have some fun with Sam in the afternoon and build a super-fort. Sure beats my "throw a blanket (or two) over the dining room table" fort and the kids have spent considerable time in the fort and destroying the fort over the past few days. They are too little to adequately reconstruct the fort by themselves so I am called upon to help them often, but have so far said I will only reconstruct it once a day. Here are some of the details. It's main support is a small table made for me when I was in college by Grandpa Don. A small storage ottoman is on top of the table. The back of the fort is supported by 2 folding chairs and a basketball hoop. The blankets are supported on the right side by the futon cushion. All these supports have created a split-level structure with a main level, upstairs, attic and basement. Sam enjoys playing with cars on the main level and taking fake naps in the upstairs (which is where he is in the above picture). Matthew enjoys playing cars on the main level and destroying the roof. Actually, both boys enjoy destroying the roof as can be seen from the picture below.
The boys also decided they wanted their pictures taken with doggie. So here they are with doggie.

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