Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The quiet game

Sam has become quite the talker these days. As in he can talk almost nonstop for long periods of time. He often starts his statements with "You know what, Mommy?" then goes on about whatever happens to be passing through his 3 year old brain. And then a second later, "You know what, Mommy?" then on to another seemingly random thought. His mind must be going a mile a minute. The constant talking is a little tough on me at times, but especially when driving. We were driving through a construction site the other day and Sam kept on pointing out construction equipment and talking about what he was seeing. He not only talks about stuff, but he wants to engage in conversation about it and get louder until I acknowledge what he's talking about. Not a good combination when I'm driving in traffic through a construction site. I just need to focus on driving!

Anyway, on the way to the Y the other day I was seeking a little quiet for a few minutes of the 7 minute drive so I decided to try the "Silent game" with the kids. I know they are rather young for the silent game, but I really needed to try. So I explained that we were going to play a game and you needed to be quiet all the way to the Y. (We were only about 2 minutes away, so it shouldn't have been too tough). Then I said, "Ok, let's see who's going to win." There was silence for about 3 seconds, then Sam said "I'm winning, Mommy!" I was still in game mode, so I didn't say anything, and again he said, "I'm winning Mommy!" He clearly didn't get the game. I guess he's too young. I tried again explaining the game, but to no avail. Sam still thought he had won and kept saying so. Matthew wasn't saying anything for most of the trip which is unusual, and Abby was babbling away, so I guess Matthew was the winner.

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