Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend water play

On Saturday it was pretty warm so we had some fun playing outside in the little swimming pool. Matthew first enjoyed some snack. I made funny noises trying to get him to look at me but instead he just laughed and continued looking straight ahead...
 Then the boys helped fill the swimming pool. No one got seriously wet from this part of the festivities.
 Abby watched on. She was less interested in swimming than she was in the boys' snack. When food is placed in front of her she really shows off her mobility skills--a combination of bellyflopping, lunging, worming and crawling.
 Then Jason started making showers of water for Sam to run under. Matthew didn't really want to get wet so he just watched. Sam was lovin' the "sprinkler".

 Sam ended up getting pretty wet which is a big change for him as he usually likes to stay fairly dry, especially his head. But he is growing up and getting brave and took lots of water in the face.
 Jason then set up the sprinkler for the kids (and himself) to run through. Matthew again didn't want anything to do with it, but Jason carried him through the sprinkler. Matthew wasn't too happy about it.
 However, Sam loved the sprinkler and went back and forth through it. He and Jason would "race" through the sprinkler, both getting pretty wet but having a lot of fun.

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