Thursday, November 1, 2012

Abby's check up

Abby had her one-year check up yesterday and Matthew had his 2.5 year check up. The poor little sweet pea had to get 3 shots and have a blood sample taken so she had quite a rough appointment at the end. Otherwise she was cheerful and didn't cry at all. Matthew made quite a turn around from his two-year appointment and he also didn't cry at all. He wasn't too cooperative at times, but he didn't fuss and actually talked to the doctor and looked at her some. Anyway, here are their stats.

Abby's one year stats:
weight: 19 lbs., 25th percentile
height: 29.5 in., 60th percentile

I can't find Sam's one year stats, but Matthew's one year stats were:
Weight: 25 lb, 75th percentile
Height: 32 in., 93rd percentile

I looked back at the boys' stats and Matthew was 19.5 lbs at 6 months. Wow. I'm sure Sam was a little bigger than Abby at 1 year, but smaller than Matthew.

Matthew's stats from 2.5 years are:
Weight: 34 lbs, 90th percentile
Height: 37.5 in, 90th percentile

Apparently if you multiply your child's height at age 2.5 by 2, that is supposed to be a close approximation of their adult height, so Matthew is on track to be 6'3". Whatever he ends up being, he and Abby are growing like crazy and we are blessed to have healthy and happy children!

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