Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A few days ago I had a 4 or 5 yard piece of yarn that I wound up into a little ball. There were a few inches of yarn hanging out of the ball and Sam came across it and was inspired. His first inspiration was that the ball was a wrecking ball, so he took it around bumping it into various things. It's really quite light so there wasn't much wrecking going on. However, what happens when you pull on yarn from a yarn ball is that the yarn unwinds, so after all his wrecking, Sam ended up with a long piece of yarn. This then spurred another thought. Fishing. So Sam and Matthew took turns with the yarn, one would hold onto one end as the fisherman, the other would grab the other end as the caught fish and they would run around the main level in this arrangement. After they bored of that, Sam's next thought about what to do with the yarn went back to the crane. But this time, Sam draped the yarn over the side of the arm of the couch, then he'd attach some kind of load (a toy train or car) and use his crane to lift it up to and over the side of the couch.

Then when the boys tired of the yarn, it was Abby's turn. She picked up the yarn and draped it over her shoulders again and again like a scarf and walked around like a beautiful princess. Everything seems to be for her adornment these days. That kept her occupied for a good 15 minutes or so. Anyway, that was our cheap entertainment lately. So with a nice stretch of yarn I got at least a good hour of entertainment for the boys and some fun for Abby. Now that it's getting colder and we can't play outside much, we'll take whatever form of entertainment we can get, including a scrap of yarn.

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