Sunday, November 18, 2012


The boys didn't have the best day today and this face shows how Jason felt at the end of the day. Actually, Jason had me take this picture a few weeks ago as he had it "aged" to 72 (he didn't want to post that picture for some reason) for a work project. Yeah, for work.

Anyway, after a less than ideal breakfast and morning routine, I was a little unsure of how church would go. However, it went surprisingly well. Matthew didn't hardly make a peep, and he colored and looked at books by himself the whole time. Sam was also very good, coloring and playing with cars. After church we went to a playground to enjoy the warm weather (mid-50s), then home for lunch and naptime. Ah, naptime. Well, naps didn't really happen. Ever since Matthew has been freed from his crib, he often will not take a nap. Before Matthew's emancipation, Sam took a nap most days, missing a nap once or twice a week. But now with the new freedom, the boys prefer to spend their nap time together and they will go to each other's room and read each other books, play with toys, or otherwise run around inside their rooms. Jason and I try to deal with their non-nap activities (as at least Matthew still really needs a nap) in various ways but we have yet to figure out what really works. I sometimes take sentinel duty and sit in the hallway between their doors and while that works, it also means I have to remain on watch and can't do anything else. Like clean up the kitchen or the "accident" Matthew had before naptime. Fortunately, Abby is napping well and naps through the boys' antics. Who would have thought that the time would come when Abby would be the easiest? For now that's the case, although that can easily change and probably will. Each child has his or her time in the spotlight.

So after the boys' non-nap, they were exhibiting symptoms related to non-naps. Like irritability, anger, lack of patience, volatility, etc. While some more outside playtime in the afternoon was positively received by the boys, afterward they resumed their previous non-nap demeanor and it was a rather unpleasant evening. After an interesting dinner, we undertook haircuts and had an early bedtime. And now (8:29PM) Jason is almost asleep on the couch.

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