Sunday, November 25, 2012


These pictures are a couple of weeks old, but I had to get something up so you weren't all looking at Jason at 72 anymore. I really can't hardly bear to see him that way either, so here's an Abby's having a crazy hair day picture.

And here's a picture of Matthew engrossed in his blocks. He was building towers and knocking them down (if he could knock them down before Abby, the destroyer, knocked them down. When she destroys towers she doesn't leave a single block unturned...)
Matthew doesn't wear pants after lunch. Those are his own words, "I don't wear pants after lunch" so that's why he is sans pants.

And Sam was into loading the dump truck with blocks and dumping them out.
On another note, we had a happy Thanksgiving with our family in Iowa. Abby really came out of her shell and allowed herself to be held by numerous cousins and aunts and uncles, some of whom she had never met before. My family was wondering what happened to the little one who cried the moment someone other than myself looked at her or tried to hold her. She saved all her wrath for Uncle David. For some reason, she decided early on that he was no good and cried when he came too close to her or she went "frozen" when he came into the room where she was. She would just become completely still as if she was trying to blend into her surroundings so as to not be seen. It was so silly. I've never seen her like that before. But other than her dislike of Uncle David, she was quite pleasant and cuddly toward everyone. The boys were themselves, sometimes quiet and reserved (when we were around unfamiliar family), and other times (ok, most of the time) loud and rambunctious.

Jason spent some time working on his home protection skills while I spent some time enjoying good food and good company. We had a wonderful holiday and certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

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