Friday, November 30, 2012


Sam: (To me one morning at breakfast): "Mommy, if you got up earlier you'd get to say good-bye to Daddy." Jason usually takes the boys down and gets the breakfast started before he leaves for work, then I come when Abby wakes up and finish up breakfast with them.

Jason (trying to leave for work): "Now where did I put my keys?"
Sam: "Daddy, you should hang them on the hook." That's my boy!

Sam: (After we got done cleaning the main level of the house) "Wow, Mommy, we should keep the house this clean all the time!" Later in the day after the boys had left their mark on the space, I commented to Sam that I thought he wanted to keep the house all clean. After looking around the main level and finding a small space that was not scattered with toys, he replied, "I meant over there". Ahh, I see.

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